Friday, August 31, 2012

Twins :)

This sweet picture is of my twins when they turned 19! The precious angel on the right is my niece and my heart! I have been so blessed to have these precious babies in my life! They will soon turn 20 and it is hard on this mommy heart to realize they are no longer "little".... but practically grown! I just wanted to share a picture of my lil family for my new blog friends that I hope to find very soon! My nest is getting quiet and empty and I JUST PLAIN DON"T LIKE IT!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Grandmama's House

There are so many things I remember about going to my Grandmother's house. Most of them are so silly and seem insignificant compared to what our kid's today will remember about going to see their grammy. But being that I am now .... um .... insert sad face :( 50! ..... the things I remember were from a LONG TIME AGO ... a REALLY long time ago!!! Some of you that read this will remember those days too. I would love to hear what you remembered too. I guess the best way is just to make a list of all the wonderful, sweet memories that keep me company ~ so here goes~ BIG FAT PENCILS THAT WERE YELLOW AND SMELLED LIKE A TREE AND HAD THE DARKEST LEAD INSIDE THEM AND THE ONLY WAY TO SHARPEN THEM WAS TO TAKE THEM TO MY UNKLE (THE ONE WITH A POCKED KNIFE)that is the truth too! THE HEAVIEST BLACK PHONE EVER CREATED WITH A DIAL THAT WAS SO HARD TO "DIAL" YOU HAD TO USE THE BIG FAT PENCIL TO GET IT TO GO AROUND (AND IT WAS sooooo slow) it seemed like it would take forever to dial a number! SITTING ON A VINLY CHAISE LOUNGE ON THE SCREENED IN FRONT PORCH READING FROM "THE READERS DIGEST" (the only magazine they had) AND PRETENDING TO TEACH SCHOOL TO ALL MY LITTLE COUSINS ~ we had to share the pencil by the way ;) COLD BISCUITS ON A YELLOW PLATE WITH A FLOUR CLOTH COVERING THEM SITTING ON THE WHITE ENAMEL STOVE AND YELLOW LABEL SYRUP BESIDE IT (that is what all us "youngins" ate when we got hungry and my G-mama's buscuits were the best) ICE COLD WATER IN MASON JARS IN THE FRIDGE (and we all drank from the same jug and the last one to empty it filled it back up) ~ that is what all us little people drank when we got thirsty lol SCHUCKING CORN AND SHELLING PEAS UNTIL YOUR THUMBS HURT AND TURNED PURPLE ~ AND "PUTTIN UP" CREAMED CORN (which was my favorite!) WHILE SITTING ON A TURNED OVER BUCKET ON THE FRONT PORCH .... AND I ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT! SLEEPING IN AN OLD IRON BED WITH 3 OF MY GIRL COUSINS AND THE HEADBOARD GOT SOOOOO COLD IN THE WINTER THAT YOUR HAND WOULD ALMOST FREEZE IF YOU TOUCHED IT .... AND WE HAD SO MANY QUILTS YOU COULD HARDLY TURN OVER THEY WERE SO HEAVY! I guess I will have to continue this post tomorrow night. I started blogging about 9 days ago ( and had surgery on my right shoulder 2 days later). It hurts. A LOT! I hope you enjoyed this lil stroll down memory lane! I will post more tomorrow, I hope......

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunsets and smoothies

For me, Sundays are for church, naps, something homemade and sweet, and an evening boat ride on the "slow boat"- aka our ancient pontoon boat - with our three golden retreivers. I just love it though! It is not so pretty, but it is clean and neat and has nice wide plastic chairs to sit upon when you are floating and relaxing at .00009 mph :) There is a new country song all about "motor boatin"....I love that song! I love to take pictures of the sunset in the evening and I want to share one of my favorites
with you.....Enjoy! I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday too!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Brand New Blog

Well....I DID it! I made myself a BLOG and I feel so accomplished! I must admit that I know absolutely nothing about creating a blog and feel a bit "dumb"  setting this all up .... but I am trying something new and learning as I go and those are all REALLY good things, right?? -- yep, yep, I made a blog! Yah me!

I bet you wondered why I named it Sunday Baths and Ivory Soap. Well, let me explain - when my children were younger, we used to bathe them in the lake during the summer and we always used Ivory soap .... why do you ask ... because it FLOATS, and that is important when you are bathing in the lake! Those are my fondest memories (my twins are in college now) but we used to joke and say, we were taking our "Sunday" bath :)

I hope to "connect" with some very special people through this blog. I'm not quite sure how I will find you, but somehow we will connect and I expect to be excited beyond words when I find out someone actually read what I posted! My best friend tells me all the time, "Baby steps, you gotta take baby steps".... so I just took a ity bitty step toward building a bridge between me and you :)